Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cream Cheese Dip with Radish and Green Olives

Here is a real simple recipe for a yummy and quick dip. 

Whipped Cream Cheese 
Green Olives


Mince radishes and olives. I have a mini food processor that I used. I bought this thing on a whim and it actually comes in handy more times than I thought it would.

Do the same with the olives. We used these ones stuffed with pimiento. 

After they are minced, mix in the cream cheese with a little bit of chopped up dill!

Spread on crackers for a filling snack or spread on cucumber slices for a healthy alternative!


  1. OK i like this one. very simple and straight forward. great as petite snacks.

  2. This sounds interesting. I have always steered clear of radishes...found them bitter as a kid...maybe with cream cheese, I can learn to like them;)

  3. That's a good recipe to decorate canepe!LOL
